School Days

AMAZE brings animated videos and age appropriate sexual health education in multiple languages

AMAZE envisions a world that recognizes child and adolescent sexual development as natural and healthy, a world in which young people everywhere are supported and affirmed and the adults in their lives communicate openly and honestly with them about puberty, reproduction, relationships, sex and sexuality.

Africa: How girls’ education and safety will be harmed by the covid response

African governments must act to ensure these statistics are not further worsened by the pandemic. There are many ways that they can start to mitigate the harm to girls.

US: Reflections on Stress, Isolation and Hope from LGBTQ Students

Coming home for spring term means leaving many things behind at Dartmouth. Almost all students had to abandon campus, in-person classes, sports teams and social groups, all of which are losses we feel acutely. For members of the LGBTQ community, coming home can also mean abandoning or hiding entire components of their identity.

Poland: Children raping children through sex education

During the parliamentary debate it was evident that PiS wholeheartedly supports the ban on sex education in schools. Przemysław Czarnek called him "admirable". And Marcin Warchoł, speaking on behalf of the Ministry of Justice, argued that sex education leads to rape.

Need some homeschool-style sex ed resources? We got you.

Right now, as families across the country follow recommended social distancing guidelines, parents and children are spending a lot more time together at home. And while there is an incredible amount of uncertainty during these times, there are also some important opportunities. With nationwide school closures, many parents, and even some older siblings, are finding themselves taking on a new role: teacher. 

US: Idaho Senate passes HB 500a, transgender athletes bill, on 24-11 vote

Today, HRC responded to the news that the Idaho Senate has passed HB 500, a discriminatory anti-transgender bill that would bar transgender women and girls from participating in sports consistent with their gender identity. It will undergo a few procedural votes before heading to Governor Brad Little for his signature.