Winds of Change

Business, Workplace and LGBTI Equality: best practices and challenges ahead

This event aims to bring together different stakeholders - including civil society, corporations, international organisations, and trade unions - in order to address different aspects of the topic of Business, Workplace and LGBTI equality, discuss the legal framework established by international human rights law, share best practices and debate the challenges faced - especially those imposed by the current global pandemic.

Poland: Working together to end discriminaiton

" What is LGBT for in our protests? You have to unite and some people will turn away because of it "; "Now it's time for abortion and women, LGBT now has no problems", "now you have to score PiS, that is, women, healthcare, entrepreneurs, not", "they push and stick everywhere", or simply: "wall behind women, away with fags "- comments on the net.

Angola: New penal code adds protections for sexual orientation

Angola’s National Assembly approved a final reading of the new Penal Code which will go into effect in February 2021. The code removes the phrase “vices against nature” which had been used to criminalize same-sex sexual activity.

Turkey: State of Emergency is Still Going on for LGBTI+’s!

As Women for Women's Human Rights - New Ways Association and Kaos GL Association, we met in Istanbul between November 8-9 2019 at the 2 day Solidarity Keeps Alive Workshop in Istanbul to discuss how to fight together as feminists and LGBTI+ activists against right-wing conservative attacks that have become more and more organized over the recent years and describing itself as anti-gender movements.

IGNITE! Empowerment Grants recipients

Youth Voices Count is glad to welcome November with a fabulous update in our IGNITE! Empowerment Grants programme. The IGNITE! Empowerment Grants was founded and first launched back in December 2019. Until today, it intends to provide seed grants to youth-led LGBTIQ organizations and initiatives from the Asia-Pacific region.

Bangladesh: After Indonesia, A Madrasa For The Third Gender In Bangladesh

Despite being a conservative society, Bangladesh occasionally surprises the world with the show of liberal behaviour. A few years ago, the government of Bangladesh had introduced sex education in state-run schools. Now, Bangladesh is in news for opening a madrasa for the third gender in its capital city Dhaka.