Winds of Change

Breaking the silence on gender identity in Asia Pacific

“It is very important for all genders to achieve equal access to sexual and reproductive health and other social services, including participation in economic activities,” said Chivorn Var, founder and executive director of Reproductive Health Association of Cambodia (RHAC)

India: Rs 500-crore plan drawn up for welfare of transgenders

The ministry of social justice and empowerment has earmarked ₹500 crore – ₹ 100 crore per year – for the the welfare of transgenders which includes student scholarships, skilling programmes to provide livelihood opportunities, setting up of welfare homes and health initiatives, among other measures.

Update to the ILGA State Sponsored Homophobia report

Despite considerable progress in legal protection for lesbian, gay and bisexual people, 69 UN member States continue to criminalise consensual same-sex activity, ILGA World (The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association) said today.

Rainbow Railroad Works to Rescue 60 LGBT Victims Overseas With End of Year Campaign

The Rainbow Railroad receives thousands of requests for foreign help each year. In countries like Egypt, Russia, Uganda and Indonesia, LGBT people face abuse. The 60 in 60 campaign hopes to help 60 people move to safety and conclude 2020 with a spirit of generosity and mercy.

Outright International COVID-19 Global LGBTIQ Emergency Fund update

During times of crisis, vulnerable communities, such as LGBTIQ people, become more vulnerable. With the onset of COVID-19, not only do we experience higher barriers of access to healthcare, rising levels of domestic and family violence, and disproportionate food and shelter insecurity, we also face an inability to access emergency relief which too often excludes us.

The Case for Gay Reparations

The first book-length treatment on the subject of gay reparations in the United States and abroad. Includes in-depth interviews with some of the most important figures of the gay reparations movement in the United States, Spain, Britain, and Germany

Philippines: 11 articles to understand why the SOGIE bill is important

The recent online hearing regarding the bill, now called the Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Expression (SOGIE) Equality Bill presented more misconceptions about the gender orientation, the bill and the LGBTQIA+ community itself — even linking pedophilia and necrophillia.

UK: Amnesty warns of 'giant leap backwards' as Human Rights Act threatened

‘From Hillsborough, to Grenfell to the appalling mishandling of the recent Covid crisis in care homes, we have never so badly needed a means to hold the Government to account’ - Kate Allen