World of Politics

Sex work decriminalization: What is the Nordic Model?

The Nordic Model approach to prostitution (sometimes also known as the Sex Buyer Law, or the Swedish, Abolitionist, or Equality Model) decriminalises all those who are prostituted, provides support services to help them exit, and makes buying people for sex a criminal offence

Australia: Proposed bill will enshrine religion's right to discriminate

Born out of the contentious debate over same-sex marriage, the religious discrimination bill was always going to attract its fair share of attention. The Morrison government has now released two drafts of the bill and, based on the response from a broad array of groups, appears no closer to finding the right balance.

Australia: Submissions to the ‘Religious Freedom’ bill released

The Attorney General’s Office has made public some of the submissions to the government’s consultation over its revised religious freedom bill.

Barbados: Regional approach to decriminalising homosexuality

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) advocates in Barbados are working closely with their counterparts in Trinidad and Tobago to prove that changes to the country’s “discriminatory” laws could result in real and tangible benefits for members of the community.

US: Arizona House passes bill banning transgender student athletes from participating in girls sports

The Arizona House of Representatives passed a controversial bill Tuesday that aims to ban transgender female athletes from participating in girls' school sports. If signed into law, the ban would apply to all students in the state through college.