World of Politics

UN: Poland urged not to criminalise sex education or tighten access to abortion

Poland must reject two bills before parliament one of which could be used to make sexuality education of children an offence punishable by jail and the other would further restrict access to safe and legal termination of pregnancy, say UN human rights experts*.

US: State Action to Limit Abortion Access During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The response to the COVID-19 pandemic has prompted several states to place restrictions that have effectively banned or blocked the availability of abortion services.

Poland: Children raping children through sex education

During the parliamentary debate it was evident that PiS wholeheartedly supports the ban on sex education in schools. Przemysław Czarnek called him "admirable". And Marcin Warchoł, speaking on behalf of the Ministry of Justice, argued that sex education leads to rape.

US: Virginia’s New Laws on L.G.B.T. Protections, Guns and Marijuana Reflect a Shift in Power

The leftward transformation of Virginia since President Trump was elected crescendoed over the weekend, with the governor signing into law protections for L.G.B.T. residents, gun background checks, no jail time for simple marijuana possession and early voting.

Poland: Country’s Criminal Code Amended to Increase Sentencing in Cases of HIV Exposure

New round of HIV criminalization in Poland. This week, Polish President Andrzej Duda signed a law amending the country’s Criminal Code. Its content, coupled with other measures to combat COVID-19, was originally intended to create better conditions for overcoming the crisis.

Panama’s Gender-Based Quarantine Ensnares Trans Woman

When Panama announced it would implement a gender-based quarantine schedule in response to COVID-19, transgender activists were alarmed. And with reason: on April 1, police detained a transgender woman alleging that she was male and out on “the wrong day.”