World of Politics

Governance of the Covid-19 response: a call for more inclusive and transparent decision-making

As SARS-COV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) ravages the globe, heads of state are making swift decisions to put large swathes of the world’s population under mass isolation in the race to heed off Covid-19’s lethality, particularly in certain population subgroups. How are these decisions—that affect each and every one of us, some groups disproportionately and regardless of Covid-19 status—made?

Canada: Coronavirus measures from governments need human rights oversight

Absolutely everything about confronting the COVID-19 pandemic is connected to human rights. There can be little debate about that. But agreeing that human rights are at stake does not automatically mean they will be upheld. That requires concrete action. And that is why 301 organizations and experts across Canada have called on the country’s governments to institute human rights oversight.

US: Groups Express Grave Concern about the Commission on Unalienable Rights

Now more than ever, countries worldwide should prioritize the rights to health and well-being of all their people without discrimination and recognize that reproductive rights are clearly established and articulated under international law. 

Turkey: “Targeting and Investigating Organizations That Criticize Hate Speech Against LGBTI+ Must Come to an End”

Solidarity Network for Human Rights Defenders – Turkey: We stand in solidarity with the LGBTI+ organizations and rights defenders that are threatened and face investigations.