World of Politics

How to change the law

Ground-breaking research from the Human Dignity Trust offers a step-by-step analysis of how the reform of discriminatory sexual offence laws has been achieved and identifies how it can be replicated.

Iraq: Rainbow flag row: Diplomats slammed for deleting LGBTQ+ posts after Iraqi pressure

Western diplomatic missions in Baghdad have been slammed by the LGBTQ+ community for appearing to bow to Iraqi government and clerical pressure to remove rainbow pride flags flying above their embassies and posts from their social media accounts.

Hungary: Transgender People In Hungary Lose Right To Gender Recognition

Transgender people in Hungary have lost legal recognition, as the country makes it impossible for people to legally change gender. In the earth-shattering move for the transgender community by Viktor Orbán’s parliament, who are currently ruling by decree due to emergency COVID-19 laws, a massive omnibus bill has just passed.

Latin America, the only region in the world that restricts mobility by gender in the midst of a pandemic

Panama, Peru and the Colombian cities of Bogotá and Cartagena implemented the controversial measure, which has been widely criticized by LGBTI groups and by feminist activists, who consider the norm discriminatory.

ILGA-Europe Rainbow Map Points To Make-or-Break Moment for LGBTI Rights in Europe

In light of the COVID-19 crisis, the annual ILGA-Europe Rainbow Map shows we have come to a pivotal moment for LGBTI people’s human rights in the region.

US: Human Rights Campaign Condemns Puerto Rican Legislature’s Attempt to Roll Back LGBTQ Rights

HRC condemned the Puerto Rican legislature’s attempts to strip away rights, freedoms and dignity from LGBTQ Puerto Ricans in a newly rewritten version of the Civil Code. 

Trans Rights Europe & Central Asia Index 2020

The Trans Rights Europe & Central Asia Index provides detailed information on the legal situation of all 47 Council of Europe member States and five Central Asian countries. The Index covers a total of 30 indicators in six legal categories: legal gender recognition, asylum, bias-motivated speech and violence, non-discrimination, health, and family.

Does hope or fear prevail among Europe’s LGBTI people?

More lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex (LGBTI) people are now open about who they are but fear, violence and discrimination remain high, show the results of the EU Fundamental Rights Agency’s survey on experiences of LGBTI people in Europe.