World of Politics

US: Health Care Advocates Push Back Against Trump’s Erasure of Transgender Rights

Health advocates representing American hospitals, medical groups, insurers and civil rights associations condemned the Trump administration on Saturday for rolling back protections for transgender patients, and for doing so amid a global pandemic.

Netherlands: About 15 'gay healing therapists' are active in the Netherlands

The Netherlands has about fifteen therapists and organizations that try to 'cure' homosexuals. How often this happens exactly cannot be said. These healers do not present themselves as such on the internet, for example.

US: HHS Finalizes Rule on Section 1557 Protecting Civil Rights in Healthcare, Restoring the Rule of Law, and Relieving Americans of Billions in Excessive Costs

“HHS will enforce Section 1557 by returning to the government’s interpretation of sex discrimination according to the plain meaning of the word “sex” as male or female and as determined by biology.  “

Exposing Anti-LGBT Government Strategies in MENA

How do governments in the MENA region use anti-LGBT rhetoric to advance their political agendas? The answer to that question reveals the state-sponsored homophobia that negatively impacts the lives of LGBT people in the region.

Panorama of the legal recognition of gender identity in the Americas

The American continent is characterized by being the most violent region towards people with Non-normative gender identities in the world. These cycles of violence, present in all areas of life of trans people, are intermingled with high levels of discrimination and stigmatization, resulting in lack of access to their civil, political, economic, social rights, cultural and environmental.

UK: The debate over the coronavirus 'sex ban' proves once again that we're obsessed with romantic relationships

The coronavirus pandemic has had a devastating impact of all kinds of human relationships. Single people have lost the physical presence of their entire support network, yet nobody is talking about other relationships that are strained