World of Politics

Cameroon: Pierre Milla Assouté: “We must not legalize homosexuality"

Pierre Mila Assouté, former activist of the CPDM and today promoter of the RDMC party offers a reflection on homosexuality and thinks that it should not be legalized in Cameroon. This chronicle is part of current events in Gabon, where the parliament adopted a law decriminalizing homosexuality in the country of Ali Bongo.

EU: COVID-19 underlines importance of strong fundamental rights protection

Growing intolerance and attacks on people’s fundamental rights continue to erode the considerable progress achieved over the years, finds FRA’s Fundamental Rights Report 2020. As Europe begins to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic we see a worsening of existing inequalities and threats to societal cohesion.

Italy Towards Its First Law On Hate Crimes Against LGBT People

A law punishing discrimination and hate crimes against LGBT+ individuals may soon be approved in Italy. The law, written by MP and activist Alessandro Zan, member of the Democratic Party in Italy, brings together five draft laws sketched over the years, and also includes the crime of misogyny, or hatred against women.

Russians Are Voting On 206 Reforms. The Most Important One Will Extend Putin's Rule

Putin's plan to hang onto power took shape in January, when he abruptly fired his cabinet and announced the need for sweeping constitutional changes. Exactly how they might affect his own rule became clear only in March, when a senior lawmaker proposed an amendment making it possible for Putin to run two more times.