World of Politics

Russia: Transgender Russians Are Under Attack

Transgender Russians could see their lives radically altered if the anti-LGTB “Traditional Values” bill passes the Duma this fall. The bill would effectively eliminate the legal recognition of transgender people in Russia and make life infinitely more difficult for them.

Ecuador: Organizations announce collection of signatures to veto the Health Code

The National Front for the Family together with other civil society organizations and religious groups announced yesterday in Guayaquil the beginning of the collection of signatures and mobilizations to request the total presidential veto of the Organic Health Code (COS), a norm that was approved by the National Assembly, last Tuesday, August 25.

Australia: Review of the Expungement of Historical Offences Act 2017

Section 32 of the Expungement of Historical Offences Act 2017 (the Act) requires the Minister to cause an independent review of the operation of the Act to be completed within 6 months after the second anniversary of the Act’s commencement. The Act commenced on 9 April 2018.

Ecuador: Know seven important points of the Organic Health Code

The Organic Health Code (COS), approved on Tuesday, August 25, 2020 in the National Assembly, is a legal norm that brings together more than 40 laws, decrees and reforms related to the health system in the country

Hungary: According to Viktor Orbán, the West has lost its appeal "in our eyes"

Viktor Orbán gave a speech at the Together Memorial, announcing the end of the "hundred years of Trianon Hungarian loneliness", announcing that "our wider country, the ship of Europe, has just stalled, its position in world politics and world trade over the centuries has stumbled" and "it is experimenting with an ungodly cosmos, the rainbow of families, migration and open societies."

Hungary: Orban calls for central Europe to unite around Christian roots

Central European nations should unite to preserve their Christian roots as western Europe experiments with same-sex families, immigration and atheism, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on Thursday.

Poland: Writers, actors and directors call for end to homophobia in Poland in open letter

More than 70 signatories including Poland’s Nobel laureate Olga Tokarczuk, Margaret Atwood and Mike Leigh accuse president Duda’s government of using LGBTQ+ people as ‘a scapegoat’