Australia: Bill allowing Victorian same-sex couples to adopt passed, will become law

A bill allowing same-sex couples to jointly adopt in Victoria was passed in state parliament and will become law, after the amendment to allow religious services to discriminate based on sexuality was voted in in the lower house.

The Adoption Amendment (Adoption by Same-Sex Couples) Bill originally removed faith-based exemptions, but this was amended by the upper house and sent back to the lower house yesterday where the changes were approved. The hundreds of children being raised by same-sex couples around the state will now have the opportunity to be jointly adopted by both parents.

Rainbow Families co-convenor Amelia Bassett she was disappointed that religious exemptions were maintained and passed in parliament: “We’re disappointed the legislation wasn’t passed as it was intended to be and we wish it had been otherwise, but at the end of the day we feel we’ve achieved something really great.”  Read more via Star Observer