Malaysia: Battered and bruised, award-winning transgender activist fears assault complaint may be ignored

Despite having won recognition for her work, transgender activist Nisha Ayub expressed fears today that the police would not take her seriously after she lodged a report over being slashed and beaten up in a purported hate crime last week.

Nisha, who is part of Justice for Sisters (JFS) that had assisted three Muslim transwomen to mount a court challenge against a Negri Sembilan anti-crossdressing law, said she has seen previous cases of violence against transwomen not being taken seriously.

“Most transgender women [do] not make any report when they are attacked or whatever cases [sic]. They feel that nothing will be done because of our identity,” added the transwoman, who was awarded “Hero of the Year” at the Asia LGBT Milestone Awards and received an award for “Extraordinary Activism” by international watchdog Human Rights Watch.  Read More via The Malay Mail Online