South Africa: History made in Dutch Reformed Church

History was made in South Africa this week, when the synod of what was once probably the most conservative church on the planet, the Dutch Reformed Church, in an overwhelming majority, voted in favor of ordaining gay ministers and blessing same sex unions.

“I was flabbergasted, but I think it’s a great step forward for the restoration of the dignity of our church’s gay members,” said Dr. Andre Bartlett, who put forward the proposal. Bartlett’s proposal noted that heterosexual and homosexual couples in a relationship of “personal faith obedience to the Lord,” must be allowed to fully participate in all the privileges of the church.

Because some in the Church continue to believe marriage should be between a man and woman, an element of discretion is still given to the church councils to formulate their own practices and rules. It was stated that no one should be forced to conduct gay marriages, because there is such a diverse amount of views within the church about it.  Read More via O-blog-dee-o-blog-da