Turkey: All gender bathroom initiative achieves success at Boğaziçi University

Today, we talked to Beren Azizi and Görkem Ulumeriç of Boğaziçi University LGBTI Studies Association about the “All Gender Bathroom” campaign, which officially yielded its initial successful outcome.

Beren Azizi: This idea emerged from analyses of the “violation of rights” that result from “deprivation.” Education is a human right, because everyone is equal; however in practice we see that things do not really work that way. LGBTI+ students drop out of their studies, do not come to school, they are depressed or “unsuccessful.”

When you start asking what happened and what went wrong, you realize that places, where a fundamental right such as education is offered, are in fact filled with challenges and obstacles for the LGBTI+’s. Toilets, as we see from numerous scientific studies around the world, are one of those obstacles. Based on the feedback we received from LGBTI+ students, we realized that “All Gender Bathroom” is a right and we should demand it.  Read more via LGBTI News Turkey