Australia: Sam Smith just donated a huge chunk of money

Now that's putting money where your mouth is.

UK singer Sam Smith has made a considerable donation to the Australian pro-marriage equality campaign, reports The Sydney Morning Herald. 

The Grammy-winning artist has pledged a third of the expected profits from his January 2018 show at the Sydney Opera House to lobby group Australian Marriage Equality. 

Australians are smack bang in the middle of a non-binding, non-compulsory nationwide postal survey asking the question: "Should the law be changed to allow same-sex couples to marry?"

Australian Marriage Equality told SMH that Smith's donation was made in advance of tickets going on sale in order to assist their current national "Yes" campaign — convincing Australians to vote for same-sex marriage. The remainder will go to support services for LGBTQ youth.

Smith is playing in the Opera House's Concert Hall, which has a capacity of over 2,000. With tickets ranging from AU$79.90 to AU$149.90 ($62.48 to $117.21), let's just say this donation won't be small — could be upwards of AU$50,000 ($39,000) if they book the whole venue out.

It's a bloody good day for same-sex marriage supporters too, considering PayPal just pledged to match single donations to the YES campaign of $250 or less, to a total of $50,000. Read more via Mashable