US: An amazing demon drag queen has entertained children in Michelle Obama’s library

A demon drag queen has entertained children at the Michelle Obama public library. The library in Long Beach, California, invited a drag queen replete in glorious red-tipped horns to read stories to the delighted kids. The guest of honour was wonderful queen Xochi Mochi, whose bold outfit choice wowed attendees.

A colourful poster was made for the event, which was advertised as “Drag Queen Story Hour”.

Drag Queen Story Hour aims to give young children “glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models,” according to the programme’s website.

As you can probably imagine, some people weren’t happy with the event. And they took to Twitter to express their opinions on the unconventional reading. However, many people were thrilled to see inclusivity being promoted amongst young people.

The Drag Queen Story Hour site explains that the event “captures the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood”.

“In spaces like this, kids are able to see people who defy rigid gender restrictions and imagine a world where people can present as they wish, where dress up is real. The programme “happens regularly in LA, New York, and San Francisco, and events are popping up all over the world!”

Xochi Mochi also posted about the event, saying: “It was one of the best experiences I’ve been given as a drag queen. “It’s so important to have representation and normalise all the letters in LGBTQIA+ in everyday lives. Read more via Pink News