Star Wars star John Boyega on gay romance: He needs to either chill or come out

Star Wars star John Boyega has added fuel to the fire of rumours of a gay romance in the film series.

2015’s Star Wars: The Force Awakens featured a close bond between Resistance pilot Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac) and stormtrooper Finn (John Boyega) – with rumours spreading that Disney is setting up a gay romance between two of the film’s main characters.

Isaac added fuel to the fire by hinting at an undisclosed romance of some kind, adding: “I think it’s very subtle romance that’s happening. You know, you have to just look very close… you have to watch it a few times to see the little hints. But there was… I was playing a romance.”

Boyega initially shut down reports, but later hinted he was open to the idea, adding: “Mark Hamill didn’t know that Darth Vader was Luke’s father: you never know what they’re going to pull.”

In a new interview over the weekend, he said that the issue should be addressed on-screen. 

Speaking to Metro, he said:  “I think that Oscar is always looking at me with love in his eyes, and I guess that the fans saw it. And then they realised that either he needs to chill or come out.”

Of the need for LGBT diversity, he added cryptically: “There definitely is that responsibility, but more the responsibility to hire those from those experiences to share their creative light, that’s the pivotal thing.

“If you hire the same sort of people you’re just getting the same sort of film. It’s not wrong, but then there’s a lack of variety.”

Kathleen Kennedy, the head of LucasFilms, previously hinted that there had been serious discussions about a gay romance – though not in upcoming film The Last Jedi. She said: “We’ve talked about it, but I think you’re not going to see it in The Last Jedi.”

The film boss added: “After 40 years of adventures people have a lot of information and a lot of theories about the way these stories can take, and sometimes those theories that come up are new ideas for us to listen to, read and pay attention to.

“[It’s] clear that the fans are as much masters of this franchise as we are.” Read more PinkNews