US: Trump lauds anti-LGBT think-tank as ‘titan’ in fight for America

President Trump hailed conservatives at the Heritage Foundation known for opposition to LGBT rights Tuesday night as “titans in the fight to defend, promote and preserve our great American heritage.”

Trump delivered remarks at the think-tank during its annual President’s Club meeting largely to promote his tax reform legislative package, but also to laud the social conservative ideals of the organization. “Everyone here tonight understands a core truth, that for America to have confidence in our future, we must have pride in our history,” Trump said. “As Americans, we have inherited a special legacy of freedom, culture, laws, traditions and values.”

But a legacy of America with a history of LGBT people fighting for equal rights, including the Stonewall riots of 1969, and the value of expanding and protecting civil rights apparently wasn’t what Trump had in mind.

For decades, the Heritage Foundation has taken a lead role in opposition not only to same-sex marriage, but LGBT rights in general. Although the Heritage Foundation’s work isn’t limited to anti-LGBT advocacy, the think-tank for decades has made restrictions on LGBT rights a significant part of its work. The think-tank has written policy and legal briefs against same-sex marriage, opposed non-discrimination protections for LGBT people and resisted LGBT-inclusion in the U.S. military.

A current senior at the Heritage Foundation, Ryan T. Anderson, has built a reputation as leading anti-LGBT advocate, arguing same-sex marriage and transgender rights are a violation of natural law. According to his bio, Anderson is working on a book titled, “When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment.”

For Trump, the efforts by the Heritage Foundation were worthy of commendation during his remarks. Among the individuals Trump praised during the speech was Edwin Meese III, a distinguished fellow emeritus at the Heritage Foundation who said a court ruling for same-sex marriage “ignores facts and common sense.” Read more via Washington Blade