How do you navigate your sexuality after sexual trauma?

Recently with the news of the Harvey Weinstein scandal many folks in Hollywood and around the globe have felt empowered to share their story of how sexual harassment and/or assault has impacted their lives. The National Coalition of Anti-Violence Projects (NCAVP) estimates that nearly one in ten LGBTQ survivors of intimate partner violence (IPV) has experienced sexual assault from those partners. Studies suggest that around half of transgender people and bisexual women will experience sexual trauma at some point in their lifetimes.

Yet, as a community, there is a quiet yet giant elephant in the room when we talk about how sexual trauma affects us or what our community’s unique needs are when it comes to preventing sexual trauma and supporting and caring for survivors of sexual trauma. How do we reclaim our sexuality after sexual assault? I am a survivor of sexual trauma at a very early age and also later in my teenage years, but ten years later little did I know the impact it would have on me and my sexuality. Read more via Plus