Mexico: CAS rules FIFA wrong to fine Mexico for fans' gay slur chant

FIFA was judged wrong to fine Mexico's soccer federation for fans chanting gay slurs at opposition goalkeepers at World Cup qualifying games. The Court of Arbitration for Sport judges hearing Mexico's appeal accepted the chants were "insulting words," even if fans did not intend to offend, the court said on Thursday when it published the verdict.

Mexico appealed against fines totaling 35,000 Swiss francs ($35,250) for the chants at games against El Salvador in November 2015 and Canada in March 2016. CAS said it canceled those fines while upholding warnings which were also imposed by FIFA.

FIFA fines in nine subsequent similar cases at World Cup qualifiers — with fines totaling around an additional 100,000 Swiss francs ($100,700) — remain in force. Last month, FIFA imposed fines totaling 95,000 Swiss francs ($95,600) on the federations of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Peru for anti-gay chants at recent World Cup qualifiers. Read more via AP