Australia: Senator Sarah Hanson-Young tears up during emotional speech for same-sex marriage

An Australian senator has broken down in tears while pleading with Parliament to finally make same-sex marriage legal. Earlier this month Australians gave their overwhelming backing to equal marriage in a public vote, by a margin of 61.6% to 38.4%.  But because the vote was non-binding, legislation on the issue is up to Parliament.

Today, senators have been debating the Marriage Amendment Bill 2017, introduced by Dean Smith, the first openly LGBT member of Parliament from the Liberal Party.

And with the No campaign still vociferously opposed to progress, Greens party senator Sarah Hanson-Young gave an emotional speech urging Parliament to take this momentous step.

“Millions of Australians have fought for this reform to happen: inquiry after inquiry, protesting on the streets, meetings with members of parliament, lobbying in workplaces and voting yes. It is now time for the Senate to do its job and to get this done without the muddying of the waters from those who have always been opposed to equal love.” Read more via Pink News