Australia: Meet the heroes trying to end Indigenous LGBTI suicide

Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who also identify as LGBTI are at high risk of self-harm and suicide.

Even though there are no official statistics on the rate of LGBTI Indigenous suicide, anecdotal evidence and similar data from similar communities in Northern America would suggest it is alarmingly high.

But a group of Aboriginal leaders have come together to make a difference.

The Black Rainbow Advisory Group (BRAG) are a newly put together action group to support Australia’s only organization dedicated to suicide prevention in the Indigenous LGBTI communities, Black Rainbow

The team is made up of Maryanne Brown, Paul Calcott, Jake Gablonski, Casey Conway, Trudie Broderick, Andy Farrell and Black Rainbow founder, Dameyon Bonson.

Their project entitled Preventing Suicide Through a Contagion of Love will make sure Indigenous LGBTI communities feel loved and supported.

‘The premise of Contagion of Love is flooding the community with just that, love,’ Bonson told Gay Star News.

‘By hosting community events, it is hoped that Indigenous LGBQTI people will feel loved and valued. In my travels, love is sad over and over again. Love from our family and our community.’ Read more via Gay Star News