UK: Labour activist: I was silenced after being sexually assaulted

A Labour activist was sexually assaulted at a party event and told not to report his abuser, he has claimed.

He said his attacker, who now advises Labour MPs, “forced his hands down my trousers, feeling my flaccid penis and clutching my face to try and kiss me.”

When the alleged victim, who was 20 at the time, reported the abuse at a Labour Students disco in 2013, a senior member said that “it would not be very wise to pursue my case.”

And he recalled that others in Labour told him that “I should be careful – he’s a clever guy, he’ll be out to get you.”

Writing on the Mirror Online, the man – who wanted to remain anonymous – said Labour Students was “a competitive, sometimes nasty and often alcohol-fuelled environment.

“It’s a breeding ground for hushed-up sexual harassment,” he added.

The abuse followed a Burns Night Supper in Edinburgh attended by more than 100 people, including then-Scottish Labour leader Johann Lamont and other high-profile party figures. Read more vi PinkNews