US: White House Proclaims World AIDS Day, Leaves Out LGBT People & People of Color

The White House on Thursday released a proclamation of World AIDS Day that excluded any mention of groups at particular risk of HIV infection, including gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender people, or people of color.

The proclamation was issued one day before Dec. 1st, a date recognized internationally since 1988 as a day dedicated to raising aware of the AIDS pandemic that has claimed more than 35 million lives.

“We pray for all those living with HIV, and those who have lost loved ones to AIDS,” the proclamation, signed by President Donald Trump, notes, and “we commend the immense effort people have made to control and end the HIV/AIDS epidemic.”

In response to requests for clarification as to why the White House omitted at-risk groups from the proclamation, the press secretary’s office told The Daily Beast that “HIV/AIDS afflicts people of all types.”

The omission is like the White House’s decision to omit any mention of Jews in its statement commemorating Holocaust Remembrance Day, which drew heavy condemnation from across the political spectrum. Read more via Daily Beast