Cambodia: Push for gay marriage rights

The Cambodian Centre for Human Rights and LGBTIQ people yesterday called on the government to issue laws on gender recognition to provide legal documentation relating to marriage and adoption rights for the LGBTIQ community.

In a press conference to mark the launch of a new report entitled “Cambodia’s Rainbow Families” yesterday at Meta House in Phnom Penh, CCHR’s executive director Chak Sopheap said the LGBTIQ community is slowly gaining more respect in Cambodian society.

However, she said legal protection is needed for the community, including marriage, adoption and gender recognition rights.

“LGBTIQ people also want to have the same families as couples that are of the opposite sex,” she said.

“But their family life is always subject to discrimination and social exclusion. It is necessary that the government take specific legal and policy measures to ensure the community is equally accepted.”

Tang Kunhea said she has been with her partner for 32 years and has three children with her, but cannot get birth certificates or family book records because the authorities won’t recognise her family. Read more via Khmer Times