Bulgaria: Who cares about gay pride in Sofia?

The annual Brussels Pride parade takes place May 20, on the heels of International Day Against Homophobia. For LGBTQ activists there are now bigger problems than the status of same-sex relationships in Europe’s de facto capital. 

A new catalogue of the state of LGBTQ rights in Europe produced by the campaign group ILGA Europe shows a yawning gap between the human rights promises of the EU charter of fundamental rights and the reality for LGBTQ communities.

While Malta, Norway and the U.K. get good grades in the ILGA Europe report, there is a massive gulf between them and the worst EU performers: Latvia, Lithuania and Poland.

POLITICO Brussels Playbook spoke with a Bulgarian activist, Radoslav Stoyanov of the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee, to understand what it is like in Bulgaria to enforce rights granted through EU membership, and what happens at a pride event that exists in parallel to an “anti-gay parade.”  Read more via Politico