Australia: Ben & Jerry’s Bans Same-Flavored Scoops Until Australia Passes Marriage Equality

Ben & Jerry’s is coming for Australian’s taste buds, announcing a pledge that no one in Oz can order two scoops of the same flavor until marriage equality becomes law of the land Down Under.

Ben & Jerry’s currently operates 26 stores across the nation, and is placing the ban on same-flavored scoops as a statement of opposition to the country’s stance on same-sex marriage, where it is currently illegal for two men or two women to wed. The “ban” is part of the company’s push for global LGBTQ rights.

In conjunction with the ban on same-flavored scoops, Ben & Jerry’s has also established a postal system of sorts across its Australian stores. Customers and supporters of marriage equality can write messages advocating for the legalization of same-sex marriage, with Ben & Jerry’s staff prepared to deliver their messages directly to local MPs. 

Ben & Jerry’s aims to have all messages from customers delivered before the final parliamentary session of the season on June 13th. Read more via HuffPost