Croatia: Slobodan život počinje ponosom! I A Free Life Begins With Pride!

MANIFESTO of Zagreb Pride 2017: Pride March of LGBTIQ persons and families

A Free Life Begins With Pride!

We are trans, we are queer, we are intersex, we are bisexual, we are lesbians and we are gays. We are a whole spectrum of identities. We are here and we are not going anywhere.

We are here to defy the idea that there exist male and female bodies, and male and female roles. We say, rather, there are human bodies, and we are the ones to define our role in this society. We are here to say that our experiences and identities are real and valuable.

We are also here to defy the idea that sexuality has to be in the service of reproduction. Our bodies are not here to serve! We will struggle for sexuality to be a space of freedom and pleasure.

We will not let anyone discipline us. We will not let anyone put us in our place. We do not accept the repressive regime that is being imposed on us.

We demand bodily autonomy, sexual freedoms and the social and legal recognition of gender identity.

Because a free life begins when our existence is secured, when we are free from violence; when we are the ones who make the choices about our bodies and when we express our gender freely; when we have a community, when we live in solidarity with other people, and when we are brave.

Read more via Zagreb-Pride