India: Symposium spotlights LGBT workplace inclusion in India

Editor’s note: This month, Elsevier Connect is exploring “how science can build a sustainable future.” In fact, diversity and inclusion play a key role in sustainability and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals . Here, Dr. Michiel Kolman, Elsevier’s Senior VP of Information Industry Relations, writes about a symposium our company sponsored in Chennai, India, and our employees' activities there to support LGBT workplace inclusion.

There are two key reasons businesses today need a strong diversity and inclusion program. The first is that it’s simply the right thing to do. Companies should be as welcoming, supporting and inclusive to all employees, independent of gender, sexual preference, race, religion and age.

Secondly, it’s smart business. Companies that actively promote diversity and inclusion are better at attracting and retaining talent, have happier and more productive employees and are more creative and innovative.

Elsevier has a strong record on diversity and inclusion initiatives, particularly in the area of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Inclusion in the workplace. The latest initiative was organized by employees in our Chennai and Amsterdam offices. Read more via Elsevier