Canada: 'Standing ovation' in Iqaluit bar greets milestone gay marriage in Nunavut

Two men feted their wedding with friends in Iqaluit earlier this month in what is believed to be the first time a gay Inuk man has married in the territory.

Joe Kucharski and Dwayne Nowdlak met in Iqaluit in 2013 and married on June 3. They're grateful for the support they received from family and friends.

Nowdlak is from Pangnirtung.

"Everyone came including his birth mother and his sister, who is very close to him. And they all made speeches about how they accept him and they accept us," Kurcharski said.

"They're not used to this type of relationship, but they accept us because they know we love each other and that we have a daughter, so they accept our family."

According to Nunavut government records, this marks the first time a self-declared Inuk man has married another man in the territory (though there has been at least one Inuk woman). Read more via CBC