Canada: 'It's all about acceptance': Training helps Yukon tourism operators welcome LGBT market

A tourism website directed at LGBT travellers provides all of the usual information about a destination's activities and events. It also offers a perspective not often provided by other sources.  "Whitehorse has for a long time been welcoming LGBT visitors with many businesses having a safe and respectful environment," reads the Travel Gay Canada website. 

The tourism organization wants to build on Whitehorse's already positive reputation for LGBT travellers. Travel Gay Canada is hosting a workshop in Whitehorse on Tuesday, aimed at increasing Yukon's popularity as a destination for that demographic.

"It is a niche market but it's such a powerful market and there's a lot of disposable income within that market," says Colin Sines, executive director of Travel Gay Canada.

"They spend twice as much as the average consumer. They travel twice as frequently. Their needs are very different," he explains. But they also have things in common with other travellers. 

"They're not looking to be separated or segregated. It's all about acceptance."  Sines says LGBT travellers should be included in a business plan the same way as families or other target markets are considered.  Read more via CBC