UK: op-ed, May's chequered history on LGBT rights does not inspire confidence

Tim Farron, DJ Shadow fan and former 80s pop star, putter-down of Theresa May with zingers about her standing outside and sizing up your house, has resigned as leader of the Liberal Democrats.

Farron’s reasoning was that he found it “impossible” to align his Christian views with being the head of a “progressive, liberal party”, and I suppose he was basically sick of being asked about gay sex. In my view, he made it more difficult for himself – he could have just stepped down over the performance of the Lib Dems in the election, as they fell way short of expectations. Although pity Brian Paddick, the Lib Dems home affairs spokesman who stepped down over Farron’s stance on gay issues two years too late, only for Farron’s resignation to come just after.

Farron has a point about how relentlessly the media focused on his opinions about gay sex, but also (well, not) because it’s not a nice feeling for LGBT people to be represented by a politician who might secretly reel from you kissing your partner in the street.

Politicians of other faiths are less scrutinised is one argument, which is legitimate to a point. Sadiq Khan, who is Muslim, is often used as the example here. But it’s tough to care about interrogating Khan on his views when he’s voted for gay marriage, and literally led Pride paradeswhile flying the rainbow flag. Tim Farron abstained on that one ...

But there’s another politician’s views on LGBT I’d like to focus on here: our Supreme Leader (thanks, John Crace), Theresa May. Let’s take a quick look at her past vis-a-vis LGBT issues.

Read more via the Guardian