GATE Statement on the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture

GATE  marks today the UN International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, proclaimed on December 12, 1997, by the UN General Assembly. We stand in solidarity with all victims, calling for the effective implementation of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.

On this Day, GATE reaffirms its full commitment with the prevention and eradications of all forms of ill-treatment and torture taking place in healthcare settings, including those affecting intersex, and gender diverse and trans people.

All around the world intersex newborns, infants, children and adolescents are routinely subjected to medically unnecessary and unconsented interventions, including invasive exploration and exposure, genital mutilation and other forms of genital cutting, and sterilization. Survivors live with chronic pain, insensitivity, bleeding and infections, metabolic imbalances, massive internal and external scarring, trauma and depression. 

Trans people are routinely subjected to stigma, discrimination and violence in healthcare settings, including denial of care and abandonment, harassment and mistreatment. Trans people of color, trans sex workers, trans people with HIV, trans people in prison and trans migrants are particularly vulnerable to these human rights violations. Gender diverse people, regardless of their gender identity and/or embodiment, frequently face the same challenges, multiplied by the normalizing practices taken place in healthcare settings. These situations are extremely dangerous for children and adolescents, and those people facing sexual and/or reproductive issues including rape and abortion. Read more via GATE