UNAIDS: First Lady of Panama Champions Zero Discrimination

The First Lady of Panama, Lorena Castillo de Varela, has delivered a passionate speech in favour of the zero discrimination agenda at the opening of the 40th meeting of the UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board in Geneva, Switzerland.

Ms Castillo, who is the UNAIDS Special Ambassador for AIDS in Latin America, said that everybody must have access to essential health and education services without fear of being harassed, mistreated or rejected. Without an end to discrimination there would be no end to the AIDS epidemic, she said.     

“Discrimination is a serious violation of human rights. It is illegal, immoral and inhumane. We all deserve to live with dignity,” said Ms Castillo.  

In her speech, the First Lady also underlined the progress made in Panama to expand HIV testing services for young people and key populations, such as gay men and other men who have sex with men, transgender people and sex workers.  Read more via UNAIDS