GALE publishes strategic guide for NGOs

To celebrate IDAHO, GALE today published the new strategic guide for NGOs on how to engage with education and education systems. The key message of the guide is to create a cooperation between NGOs, the government and the education field itself. Because countries are in very different situations, the guide offers a rough situation analysis and broad suggestions for denying, ambiguous and supportive contexts.

Core message: cooperation
The core message of the guide is to focus on cooperation between NGOs, the government and the education field itself. A lot of current LGBTI educational projects and products are made only by LGBTI NGOs themselves. These interventions often have little dissemination because of lack of money and access to schools. They may also be of limited quality. This depends on how expert the LGBTI developers are. They may be very expert in their own LGBT or I concerns. But often they are less focused on what skills young people need to learn and on how to integrate these in sustainable school programs. 

GALE advises to create a strategic “GALE” committee to get different types of expertise and power together. The LGBTI movement needs educational expertise to raise the quality of programs and campaigns. It also need the power of key educational institutions and education authorities to get a good dissemination and integration in school curricula and policies. Read more via GALE