UK: London Terror Witness Vows To Drink And ‘Flirt With Handsome Men’ In Defiance Of Attackers

A man who witnessed the London terror attacks Saturday night has become a social media sensation after vowing to drink more and “flirt with handsome men” in the wake of the tragedy. 

In a Sunday interview with the BBC, Richard Angell recalled being just “six meters” from the alleged terrorists as he dined with friends at London’s Arabica Bar and Kitchen near the city’s Borough Market, where the attacks that left seven people dead and 48 injured took place. 

Though the 33-year-old was shaken by the experience, he defiantly returned to the scene the next day, pledging not to give in to fear. Angell, who is the director of the U.K.-based think tank, Progresslater told BuzzFeed that he and his friends planned to return to Arabica Bar and Kitchen. “I’ve got to pay my bill. Also, we haven’t given the staff a tip and they looked out for us when they should have been helping themselves,” he said. “It was lovely food and I want the rest of my main course.”  Read more via HuffPost

“If me having a gin and tonic with my friends, flirting with handsome men, hanging out with brilliant women is what offends these people I’m going to do it more, not less,” Richard Angell