UK: ‘On average it takes 26 years for a man to speak out about sexual abuse’

‘On average it takes 26 years for a man to speak out about sexual abuse or rape … We think that 26 years is 26 years too long.’

That’s the stark message from Survivors UK in a statement to launch a new fundraising appeal and awareness campaign around its work.

Survivors UK helps male survivors or rape and other sexual abuse. It helps men to access counselling and support services.

In a phone call to GSN, Andy Connolly, acting Chief Executive says that the charity has seen an increase in calls in recent months. Particularly since a number of high-profile professional footballers revealed that they had been abused as youngsters by coaches.

Although it’s encouraging that more sexual abuse survivors are seeking help, Survivors UK is a small charity with limited funds.

‘Sadly, we do have a waiting list for counselling of around four months. We would love people to donate to this appeal so we can help men more quickly. Especially when you put it in the context of someone waiting 26 years to tell someone. We’re obviously keen to help people as soon as possible.

Connelly says that the 26-year statistic is an anecdotal average based on the service users who contact Survivors UK. In some instances, it can take far longer. Read more via Gay Star News