Canada: Muslim mother forced to resign from job after attending her gay son's wedding

A Muslim mother in Canada was forced to resign from her job after she attended the same-sex wedding of her son.

Her son, Ali Reza [surname withheld], married his long-time partner Paul [surname withheld] earlier this month.

Although Ali Reza’s family gave their full support for the union, it attracted the attention of leaders of their Shia Ithna-Asheri sect.

An online petition circulated calling for Ali Reza’s mother, Siddika, to resign from her position as secretary general of NASIMCO (the Organization of North American Shia Ithna-Asheri Muslim Communities).

It said: ‘Traditionally, a wedding is a public demonstration of a relationship. This sin was not done in private, but rather was publicly celebrated and promoted. It goes against the legitimate majoritarian interpretations of Jaffari fiqh, which NASIMCO must uphold.

‘While we believe it is not necessary to extensively or deeply examine the personal lives of the members of NASIMCO, this incident cannot be dismissed as “the personal lives of [the] family,”‘ it said.

The petition gained almost 1,000 signatures since Thursday (13 July).

There was no other option but for Siddika to resign. Read more via Gay Star News