Ukraine: Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) soon in Ukraine

The clients of the “ALLIANCE.GLOBAL”, PO will be the first in Ukraine to be able to use free pre-exposure prophylaxis of HIV infection (PrEP) already in 2017.

As a part of the implementation of the PrEP project, working meeting with the participation of representatives of the Kyiv City AIDS Center, “ALLIANCE.GLOBAL”, menZDRAV Foundation took place on July 18-19, organized by the ICF “Alliance for Public Health”. The meeting was facilitated by Dr. Martin Siguier from Saint-Louis Hospital (Paris, France).

As a result, on the issue of the Fast Track program the meeting reached agreement for the first 100 courses of PrEP in 2017 in Kyiv for men who have sex with men (including those who use drugs). Courses will be available after the final approval of the local medical protocol for the appointment of PrEP. Read more via gay-alliance