US: Teen Sex-Ed Resources For Oh, Oh, Those Summer Nights

Waylon Faulkner, a 12-year-old from Jersey City, N.J., is headed off to a sleepaway camp in upstate New York this summer.

"Boys and girls are completely intermingled except for sleeping," says his mother, Genevieve. "And the ages are mixed, which I think is good. It's 9 to 15." 

In that kind of atmosphere, and in the throes of puberty, Genevieve knows that stuff might happen.

"Maybe he'll get his first kiss — who knows? I kinda hope so," she says. "I know he's ready. I know he wants it. He gets crushes on girls but it never goes anywhere." (Sooo embarassing).

Summer is traditionally a time when young people have a bit more independence and a chance to explore and try new things. And there's a new generation of resources out there aimed at parents who want to make sure that teens are armed with the best possible information about their bodies, sex and relationships, so that they can make good decisions away from adult supervision.

A new book titled Girl: Love, Sex, Romance and Being You, and a separate video campaign called AMAZE, aimed at both girls and boys, are both designed to tackle topics that students don't cover in school. Read more via NPR