UK: Rabbis call for boycott of centre after it holds ‘forbidden and condemned’ LGBT event

Seven prominent Rabbis have denounced a community centre for holding LGBT events, calling them an “abomination”.

The Orthodox leaders published an open letter on Friday calling for a boycott of £50 million community centre JW3 because it had hosted LGBT-friendly activities.

Earlier this year, an unknown offender graffitied the word “SHAME” over a banner promoting its programme of LGBT events, known as GAYW3, at the centre on London’s Finchley Road.

In the letter, the rabbis wrote that this “abomination” of a programme “promotes a way of life which is in total contradiction to Orthodox Judaism and Halacha (Orthodox Jewish law),” as reported by the Jewish Chronicle.

They continued by stating that “a red line has been crossed in launching campaigns and initiatives that promote lifestyles and behaviours forbidden and condemned by the Torah.

“Accordingly, it is our opinion that members of our communities should distance themselves fully from JW3, its activities and services, and avoid visiting this Centre.”

Last month, Rabbi Joseph Dweck, the head of the Sephardi Jewish movement – one of two main branches of Judaism in the UK – said homosexuality becoming more accepted was “a fantastic development for humanity.” Read more via PinkNews