Philippines: House to hear bills for civil unions, dissolution of marriage

House Speaker Pantaleon Alvarez endorsed on Monday his proposed plans for additions to the Family Code of the Philippines, which include civil unions, the dissolution of marriage, and the recognition of illegitimate children.

The announcement was made at the opening of the second session of 17th Congress, just ahead of President Rodrigo Duterte's second State of the Nation Address.

"We must also be considerate of the fact that marriage may not be for everyone. Presently, it even excludes certain groups of people from its fold," Alvarez said in a speech.

The proposed measure seeks to recognize same sex unions.

"Sa civil union, same sex or opposite sex, magkakaroon ng property relations between the two of them. Tapos yung right to support each other. Tapos yung right to adopt children," said Alvarez.

[Translation: In civil unions whether of the same or opposite sex, there will be property relations between the two of them. There will also be the right to support each other and the right to adopt children.]

Alvarez added that he would file the bill on recognizing and protecting civil partnerships himself, and he thanked Rep. Geraldine Roman for her input. Roman is the first transgender congresswoman. Read more via CNN