Iceland: Behind the Scenes of Iceland’s Drag World

During the Pride week bar Gaukurinn will be presenting a photo exhibition by Kaspars Bekeris. A selection of behind the scenes photographs taken during several drag shows and a drag contest in Reykjavik and Akureyri this year.

“When I started the project, I wasn’t familiar with this form of art. I had never been to a drag show before. So, I was expecting to take pictures of all the glitter and glamour; perfect make up, colorful wigs, wild costumes etc.

Well, as well as finding all that I found so much more,” admits Kaspars, when asked about his exhibition, titled F*CK GENDER, that opens at bar Gakurinn tonight at 19PM and will be showcased this week, during Reykjavík Pride.

The project follows a group of drag artists from Iceland exploring the performative nature of gender.
“My aim was to document drag as a critique of the artificial nature of gender. But instead of that I became more and more interested with the people themselves. I realized that gender is not important, because of the simple fact that there is no such thing as gender.” Read more via Gay Iceland