US: MTV Invited Six Transgender Troops to the V.M.A.s

The 33rd annual V.M.A.s follow a tense political summer, and arrive just days after Donald Trump signed a directive reinstating a ban on transgender people in the military on Friday. In a remarkably rapid response, MTV invited six transgender military members to walk the red carpet Sunday night.

Billboard had the exclusive details on the soldiers ahead of the show; the group includes Sterling James Crutcher, Air Force Airman First Class; Logan B. Ireland, Air Force Staff Sergeant; Akira Wyatt, Navy Corpsman Petty Officer 3rd Class; Brynn Tannehill, Former Navy Lt. Commander; Laila Ireland, Retired Army veteran; and Jennifer Peace, U.S. Army Captain.

Peace spoke to Vanity Fair earlier this summer about her frustrations with the Trump administration’s treatment of the transgender community, when Trump had first announced his plans to reinstate the ban via a tweet.

“How do you feel safe if we can take a class of people that have been serving openly and serving honorably and say, ‘You can’t serve anymore’?,” she told V.F. “Then who’s next? Is it gays and lesbians? Is it women? Blacks? Muslims? Atheists? At any moment, it might be you that’s told you’re not qualified to serve any longer, either.”

Read more via Vanity Fair