US: Gay Republican withdraws name for DHS post over trans military ban

The gay former executive director of the Delaware Republican Party has withdrawn his name from consideration for a position at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security over President Trump’s decision to ban transgender people from the military.

John Fluharty was in the running to become the agency’s assistant secretary of partnership and engagement.

Politico reported Fluharty interviewed for the position on Tuesday. The Washington Blade obtained an email from Fluharty in which he asked Luke Beckmann of the Department of Homeland Security to withdraw his name “from consideration.”

“As I mentioned during our conversation, I am a strong advocate for diversity, both in the Republican Party and in government,” wrote Fluharty. “The president’s announcement this morning — that he will ban all those who identify as transgender from military service — runs counter to my deeply held beliefs, and it would be impossible for me to commit to serving the administration knowing that I would be working against those values.” Read more via Washington Blade