We Must Better Address Needs of LGBT People With Disabilities

Daniel Linhares, M.D., is an assistant professor of psychiatry at Columbia University Medical Center and is specialized in providing holistic psychiatric care to medically complex patients. Dr. Linhares’ expertise is in psychiatric care of the medically ill, LGBT psychiatry and psychodynamic psychotherapy.

LGBT people with physical disabilities face unique challenges as compared to their able-bodied peers. Throughout their lives, these individuals are subjected to increased rates of childhood bullying, a lack of proper sexual education as teenagers and difficulties in receiving proper medical care as adults.

Given the increasing number of individuals with physical disabilities living into adulthood, issues associated with growing up, such as establishing healthy relationships, are becoming more prominent. As practitioners, it is important for us to work with young adults with physical disabilities to help them develop healthy pathways for relationships.

While arts-related activities have always been a safe haven for the LGBT community, it might be even more important for individuals who also have a physical disability, in order to help them establish healthy relationships and to be able to fully express themselves. Encouraging their participation in arts might be one of the best long-term interventions for their mental health that families and friends could ever do.

It is also imperative that LGBT individuals with physical disabilities receive proper sexual education while in school just as anyone else. Sex is a reality for everyone, regardless of gender, sexual orientation or physical ability, therefore everyone deserves to be well educated about this topic. Read more via NBC