US: See what ‘Newsweek’ was writing about bisexuals back in 1995

Today is Bisexual Awareness Day! To all our beloved bisexual readers: We got you, boos! ;) 

In anticipation of today, a July 1995 cover of Newsweek magazine has been making the rounds on social media this week. The hip feature story that week: Bisexuality.

“Not gay. Not straight. A new sexual identity emerges,” the cover reads. 

Oh, wait! A digital version is available in Newsweeks‘ online archives. In it, the authors define bisexuality as “the hidden wild card of our erotic culture” that “suggests that nonmonogamy, or ‘polyamory,’ is an accepted part of life.”

Here’s a fun little excerpt from the article:

[B]isexuality lurks as a rupture in the social structure, conjuring fears of promiscuity, secret lives and instability. It can make the knotty issues of human relationships–jealousy, fidelity, finances, parental roles, custody-even more complex. And with these uncertainties comes an increased threat of AIDS.

Of course, not all of it is quite so laughable. The article makes a few points that are sadly, still pretty relevant today, over 20 years later. Like, for instance, bisexuals saying they feel “left out” from society. Also, the myth that bisexuals are more promiscuous.  Read more via Queerty