Australia: Petition launched to ban pro-gay song at National Rugby League grand final

Some ruby fans are fighting to get rapper Macklemore banned from performing his song ‘Same Love’, a song in support of equal marriage and LGBT rights, at a major sports event. The singer is scheduled to belt out the track at the pre-show of the National Rugby League grand final, which for those not in the know, is essentially Australia’s Superbowl.

However, some Rugby League fans have voiced their anger over the rapper’s decision to sing the song, and have even launched a petition to ban the song from being performed. Former rugby player Tony Wall started the petition, arguing that the song was a move to “protect children”.

He wrote: “My family and many other loyal NRL fans, who are ‘No’ voters, will not feel comfortable watching the grand final when the NRL is imposing such a bold political stance on its fans while the issue is currently being voted on by the Australian people.”

“As a former NRL player married for the past 12 years to my wife and with five children, I demand that the NRL reconsider its political position and remove LGBTIQ politics out of the awesome sport of Rugby League.”

Former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott joined in the debate, stating that “Footy fans shouldn’t be subjected to a politicised grand final. Sport is sport!”

Read more via Attitude