Costa Rica: President Luis Guillermo Solís Rivera

President Luis Guillermo Solís Rivera spoke on Facebook following the Inter-American Court ruling on same-sex marriage and gender rights. 

#EnVivo Nuestra ciudadanía hoy es más libre. Hoy estamos más cerca de hacer realidad la aspiración de cualquier pareja a ser feliz, quererse, respetarse y protegerse en igualdad de condiciones, sin importar su orientación sexual.

Como sociedad debemos sentir satisfacción al haber colocado un eslabón más en la extensa historia costarricense de respeto a los derechos humanos. 

"Our citizens today are freer. Today we are closer to making reality the aspiration of any couple to be happy, to love, to respect themselves and protect themselves in conditions of equality, regardless of their sexual orientation. As a society, we must feel satisfaction at having placed one more link in the extensive Costa Rican history of respect for human rights. ... We are a State respectful of international law. ... In the campaign, I promised to give same-sex couples the same rights, I have complied, and I am going to comply always."

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