UK: LGBT in Britain - Trans Report

LGBT in Britain - Trans Report is Stonewall's new research, based on research with 871 trans and non-binary people by YouGov and highlighting the profound levels of discrimination and hate crime faced by trans people in Britain today.


This report exposes the profound impact that discrimination, violence and exclusion is having on trans people’s quality of life in Britain today. The second in Stonewall and YouGov’s state of the nation LGBT in Britain series, this report focuses on the experiences of more than 800 trans and non-binary people who took part in our research. It contains powerful testimonies that demonstrate why progress on equality for trans people should be a priority for all of us.

What we have found is deeply worrying. Hate crime and discrimination against trans people, on our streets, in our hospitals, in workplaces and at universities, is widespread.

Two in five trans people had to deal with a hate crime or incident in the past 12 months. Many trans people are forced to hide who they are, change how they dress or drop out of university because of fear of discrimination. In our workplaces, half of trans and non-binary people have hidden or disguised that they are LGBT for this reason, and one in eight have been physically attacked by a colleague or customer.

Trans people often lack support from their families too, with more than a quarter subjected to domestic violence, and one in four having experienced homelessness at some point.

The research reveals that many of those who need medical intervention are unable to access this, often due to waiting times that exceed NHS patients’ legal entitlements. Those who do access treatment regularly receive inadequate care.

Meanwhile, while some trans people have been able to have their gender legally recognised thanks to the Gender Recognition Act of 2004, that same law still treats being trans as a mental illness. It does not provide recognition for non-binary people. In addition the process to secure a gender recognition certificate is so demeaning and intrusive that many trans people do not engage with it.

This situation is not acceptable, and it has been made worse by increasingly frequent attacks in the media and on social media from a vocal minority. Headlines and stories that make ludicrous claims that people are being ‘turned trans’, and that sensationalise and misrepresent the reality of being trans are reminiscent of days gone by: Days when when the media constantly hounded lesbian, gay and bi people as deviants prevented progress on equality for so long.

Policy makers, organisations, communities and individuals need to come together urgently to reject this damaging narrative, and work as allies with trans people so we can address the huge barriers that this report lays bare. We’re pleased that the UK and Scottish Governments have committed to reforming the Gender Recognition Act. That is a vital first step to begin righting these wrongs. Our Vision for Change sets out the other steps we need to take together if we are to improve life for trans people in the next five years. Now is the time for us all, more than ever, to come out for trans equality.  — Ruth Hunt, Chief Executive

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